Friday, June 26, 2009

And the Independent too: "The voices were loud and strong. We hope and trust they will be heard."

The Elmira Independent posted this week's articles about an hour ago -- and they are as clear and strong as the Observer's.

Both the main article -- which did a good job of summarizing several of the presentations -- and the editorial in no uncertain terms stood with those opposed to the "disposal" of the parkland:

"We are hopeful that members of Woolwich council heard this argument loud and clear, and will heed the passionate, intelligent and articulate pleas they heard from young and old this week."

As with the Observer articles, I've posted the links over in the righthand column.
The photograph accompanying this article shows Ken Reger, local naturalist and Elmira resident for 70+ years, making his presentation to council based on decades of closely observing the abundant and, in some cases, rare birdlife in the forest.

Thanks to Gail Martin, Independent editor, for expressing all this so well.

1 comment:

  1. You know the entire community is behind it if BOTH papers are on side.
